ISSN 1314-0256 (Online)
ISSN 1314-0426 (Print)

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Venets is a peer-reviewed academic journal. Any number of the journal consists of three main sections: (i) Literary Section (in Bulgarian), (ii) Historical Archives (chiefly in Bulgarian) and (iii) Scientific peer-reviewed Section (usually in English with research papers in the fields of Local/Family History, Community History, Folk Studies, Oral History, Heritage Studies, Rural Studies, Memory Studies, etc.)


This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


Venets is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.



Papers of the Scientific Section of Venets should contain: original research; new interpretation or insight of material already in the public domain; or a description that brings to a wider audience material of limited availability, or that is available only in disparate locations. Papers offered for publication in Venets should not have been published previously.

Contributors from all over the world are encouraged to send manuscripts in the above mentioned areas that should be written in a readable and scholarly manner. Manuscripts (in English or in Bulgarian) should not exceed 20 standard pages in length including illustrations, tables, figures and references. Articles must be accompanied by a summary of size not exceeding 20 lines.

Style should conform to that of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

The electronic submission of the manuscript (in word format) is preferable. All submitted manuscripts will be examined by two anonymous and independent referees. The publication of the successful manuscripts is free-of-charge.

Available E-Mails:


"...I am delighted that you have launched Venets and will follow its development with interest. I very much appreciate the work that you are doing, and am really enjoying reading your recent emails about Belogradchik folklore.I am coming to Bulgarian this August on tour with the London Bulgarian Choir, and when that is finished I hope to be able to visit Belogradchik. I have not been there since I was a small child! I remember it as a magical place..."(M. Sheehan, A Spell In Time, London, UK)

"...Admirations for your professionalism and enthusiasm... Venets is a magnificent journal" (Prof. Zlatozar Boev, National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

"Примите мои наилучшие пожелания и искренние поздравления по случаю открытия журнала и сайта «Венец». Очень интересные материалы и фотографии..." (Shapi Kaziev, Член Союза Писателей России, Заслуженный деятель искусств,
Лауреат российских и международных литературных премий).

"...Поздравляю с рождением нового болгарского журнала "Венец", посвященного жизни неповторимого в своем обаянии города Белоградчик. Природа подарила вам незабываемые пейзажи и атмосферу, люди Белоградчика динамичны, доброжелательны и щедры душой. Город ...сегодня быстро развивается, и "Венец" может сказать свое слово в этом развитии. Удачи Вам и всем гражданам Белоградчика!" (Владимир Утилов, зав. кафедрой киноведения ВГИК, доктор искусствоведения, профессор, член киноакадемии "НИКА" и Российской Академии киноискусства и кинематографических наук, почетный кинематографист).

"I was impressed very much by your paper about the Belogradchik Uprising, published in Venets vol.1, No 1, 78 - 91. Your experience as a researcher and hard work has helped you to establish unknown facts of Bulgarian history. In my opinion, this paper could be usefull for professional historians, too". (Prof. I. Dukov, DSc.)

"...Я всего один раз была в городе Белоградчик и видела его скалы. Тогда мне показалась, что только так может выглядеть музыка Баха, если бы неведомый волшебник решил вдруг обратить ее в камень. И вот сейчас я увидела эту каменную песню на обложке Вашего журнала. Прекрасное оформление, прекрасное содержание, благородные порывы и замыслы! Желаю Вашему литературному детищу счастливого плавания к тонкому и благодарному читателю!" (Ирина Цыплакова, The Voice of Russia)

"Thanks for the nice Bulgarian journal..." (Sonja Brage, Lund University Libraries, Sweden)